NonCash Loans

TL/FC Letter of Guarantee

Letter of guarantee is a guarantee letter which guarantees the execution of a work completely and on time and which is provided by the bank on behalf of real or legal entities residing inside or outside the country by addressing to their contact people and institutions that they deal with in terms of delivery of a good or execution of a work. It is also guaranteed in the letter that the amount of the damage, which is specified in the text and otherwise incurred against the contact person, will be compensated by the bank. Letters of guarantee can be issued as limited or unlimited in time. Bank carries out commission collection (periodically) for such types of products in cash or at the end of three-month period.

Letters of Guarantee for Pre-shipment Credits

Our Bank mediates pre-shipment credits which are provided by Export Credit Bank of Turkey INC. (Eximbank) in order to develop exportation and provide cheaper financing for the exporter and issues guarantee of letter addressing to Eximbank on behalf of exporting companies as an assurance of the credit.

Please click o access the claim form for domestic letter of guarantee.​

Reference Letter

It’s the letter which can be issued as TL or foreign currency on behalf of our credit companies which mostly operate in construction and commitment sectors upon their own request.​​